Text File | 1993-01-03 | 964 b | 30 lines | [TEXT/ttxt]
This extension let's you use the function keys (NOT FKEYs!!!) 1 to 15 on keyboards without them (like my PowerBook). I made this because I was running a DOS program under SoftPC, which required the use of function keys. According to the manual of SoftPC, the number keys would serve as functions keys after you pressed Cmd-F. Great, except it for the fact that it doesn't function. So I wrote this extension to help me out.
To emulate a function key do the following:
Turn on CapsLock
Hold down the Option-key
Type one of the following keys:
1 for F1
2 for F2
3 for F3
4 for F4
5 for F5
6 for F6
7 for F7
8 for F8
9 for F9
0 for F10
q for F11
w for F12
e for F13
r for F14
t for F15
You can also emulate Shift-FunctionKey and Control-FunctionKey by simultaneously holding either the Shift- or Control-Key along with the Option-Key.